Audius Partners with U.S. PROs for Artist Royalties

These include ASCAP, BMI, GMR, and SESAC. This ensures songwriters on Audius receive performance royalties via their PROs.

To benefit from these agreements, artists must provide accurate metadata when uploading their songs to Audius.

Empowering Songwriters with Performance Royalties

This metadata includes International Standard Recording Codes (ISRC) and International Standard Musical Work Codes (ISWC) for each track. These codes are essential for identifying the song and ensuring that the correct songwriter receives their due royalties.

The process of entering metadata might seem tedious, but it is now more important than ever. Accurate metadata guarantees that royalties are correctly allocated to the right individuals. For original songs, the ISRC and ISWC codes help track the performance and ensure that royalties are paid to the songwriter.

Source: X
More About Audius

If an artist uploads a cover song, where the performance and composition are by someone else, the royalties will be directed to the original songwriter. Similarly, when uploading a composition by another songwriter, it is vital to provide the proper metadata to ensure the correct attribution and royalty payment. Without this information, there is a risk of royalties being misallocated or not paid at all. You can know how it works in this blog post.

Source: X

Audius’s agreements with PROs like ASCAP, BMI, GMR, and SESAC reflect its commitment to fair compensation for artists and songwriters. By collaborating with these organizations, Audius helps bridge the gap between traditional music rights management and the emerging world of decentralized streaming.


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