Solana & Dialect Unveil Actions and Blinks

Actions is a protocol designed to create and deliver Solana transactions through URLs.

This makes Solana transactions easily shareable across various platforms. Let’s explore how Actions and Blinks work.

Blinks: Revolutionizing Blockchain Integration and Usability

Blinks, or Blockchain Links, are clients that detect these Action URLs. These links unfurl URLs into comprehensive and interactive experiences. Several of Solana’s top teams have already started building with Actions, offering live tweetable experiences.

For example, users can swap meme coins using Jupiter Exchange and Meteora, buy tokens with Phantom, and trade NFTs on Tensor’s marketplace. Also, stake SOL with Helius, purchase liquid staking tokens (LSTs) through Sanctum and subscribe to premium content with Access Protocol. Then, donate to creators using Sphere and Cubik, vote on Realms and Helium, and mint NFTs on Truffle’s marketplace.

Source: X
Actions: Empowering Developers with Easy Integration Tools

Actions make Solana transactions portable and easy to integrate. Developers can create atomic, sharable units of their protocols and dApps by simply wiring up their transactions. Also, deploying it to a URL, and allowing Blinks clients like Phantom and Backpack to manage the rest. This simplicity lowers the barrier to entry for developers looking to enhance their dApps with Solana’s capabilities.

Source: X

Dialect has also launched an educational hub on its dashboard, providing a wealth of resources to help developers get started with Actions.

Actions can be deployed to any URL, linked to any site, and shared across multiple platforms, including websites and pop-up sites. This flexibility harnesses the power of blockchain technology, allowing users to sign any action from any protocol in any client.


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