Could This Altcoin be ChainGPT's Next 4100% Up Crypto IDO?

Here’s your chance to get in early! I’ve been saying that for a long time already. Get in early. Now, my team and I found an IDO that should be on your radar. In an IDO, you’re as early as you can get. That’s when you and I can join a TGE or token generation event.

In other words, that’s where the real money is. During an IDO, you can get a token at a cheap price before it hits the market. So, depending on the project, that could be an easy 8-10x or better. To do away with the suspense, I’m talking about the OMNIA Protocol IDO. So, let’s take a closer look at this altcoin and its IDO.

What Is the OMNIA Protocol?

First, let me introduce OMNIA Protocol before we dive into its IDO. By the way, IDO stands for Initial DEX Offering. So, back to OMNIA. It solves a problem we all face. One of the things that attracts us to crypto is its decentralized setup. Decentralization is a big part of the crypto space. And, fair enough, some projects are more decentralized than others. 

However, a sector where there’s a lot of centralization going on is the hosting space. Plenty of projects host their servers with big names. Like AWS or Google Cloud. On the upside, they offer strong functionality. However, on the downside, they are very much centralized companies. On the other hand, a lot of the decentralized providers are basic. 

To clarify, I’m talking about running nodes here. And in a decentralized way. So, what OMNIA provides is infrastructure. If I talk about infrastructure, I also talk about DePIN. That’s one of the biggest verticals in crypto for this bull run. So, to clarify, in case you missed it, OMNIA is knee-deep in the DePIN sector.

So, OMNIA offers fast and reliable RPC nodes. This is a Remote Procedure Call. It reads data on the blockchain and can send transactions to various networks. When you run a Node, you need an RPC. Without an RPC, you can’t send transactions. It’s the same for crypto wallets. They all need RPCs. 

So, it offers fast, free, and secure RPC endpoints. It supports well over 40 networks with over 3 million active monthly users. Furthermore, it handles over 30 B2B clients and has a 100% uptime. It also handles over 350 million RPC calls per day and processes over $3 billion per month.

Some use cases are, for example, to prevent front running. That’s when validators can manipulate transactions in their favor. It also helps with a fair distribution of MEV. That’s the ‘miner extractable value’. Miners or validators can reorder transactions in a new block. OMNIA makes sure that nobody profits from these practices. Both are real risks in DeFi. Hence, OMNIA’s focus is on the DeFi sector.

How to Register to The $OMNIA IDO

So, the $OMNIA IDO is going to take place on ChainGPT. In 2023, this was by far the most popular crypto launchpad.  We already mentioned ChainGPT plenty of times. For example, check out this dedicated video we did 1 month ago.

ChainGPT still has plenty of IDOs going on. There was already a private sale for OMNIA Protocol on the 9th and 10th of April. This sold out at $0.28 per $OMNIA token. This private sale raised $300,000 and had a bit over 10,000 participants.

However, the OMNIA IDO takes place on the 22nd of April. Registration started on 18th April. So, let’s take a look at what you need to do to register. ChainGPT has some rules in place for joining their IDOs. Here are the four steps.

  • You need to sign up and complete a KYC. 
  • Verify your wallet. For each user, only one wallet.
  • Buy $GPT and stake it. There are 4 different staking pools, each with a different multiplier. The longer you stake, the higher your multiplier is. You can learn more about staking pools here. So, you’re looking at a:
    • 45-day Bronze pool with 1% APY and 1 x multiplier.
    • 90-day Silver pool with 3% APY and 1.3 x multiplier. 
    • 180-day Gold pool with 5% APY and 1.5 x multiplier.
    • 365-day Diamond pool with 8% APY and 2 x multiplier.

You want to hurry up since all pools fill up too, give or take, around 90%. Another important detail about the pools, each staked $GPT token is 1 point.

The $OMNIA IDO Details

Now, the price per $OMNIA token is $0.35 and the minimum amount for taking part is $250. The maximum amount is $15,000. As already mentioned, the registration period ends at 4 AM GMT on 21st April. The actual IDO starts on 22nd April at 4 PM GMT.

A total of 2 million $OMNIA are available. This will raise $700,000, providing it sells out. Which, in all fairness, I don’t doubt it will. For example, ChainGPT also incubated OMNIA Protocol. That most certainly helps as well.  The IDO is FCFS and there’s also a volume bonus on offer. Here is how that works:

  1. Spend $250 to $500 and get 10% extra tokens.
  2. From $500 to $1,000 you receive 25% extra tokens.
  3. For $1,000 to $5,000 there are 50% extra tokens on the table.
  4. And for going in with $5,000 to $15,000 there’s a 100% extra token bonus.
ChainGPT Launchpad ROI

It’s also a good idea to take a look at ChainGPT’s ROI. So, here we go:

  • ChainGPT’s till date ATH ROI is 41.19x for Solidus IDO.
  • The average ROI is 5.93x.
  • Average ATH ROI is 15.48x.

Some successful projects that launched on ChainGPT include, among others:

  • Solidus ($AITECH)
  • GT-Protocol ($GTAI)
  • DexCheck ($DCK)
  • Serenity Shield ($SERSH)
  • Beoble ($BBL)
  • Gaimin ($GMRX)

So, did you ever take part in an IDO before? What do you think of this IDO will it supersede the 41x ATH ROI? Would you like to take part? Let me know in the comments.



The information discussed by Altcoin Buzz is not financial advice. This is for educational, entertainment, and informational purposes only. Any information or strategies are thoughts and opinions relevant to the accepted levels of risk tolerance of the writer/reviewers and their risk tolerance may be different than yours. We are not responsible for any losses that you may incur as a result of any investments directly or indirectly related to the information provided. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are high-risk investments so please do your due diligence. This article has been sponsored by OMNIA Protocol. Copyright Altcoin Buzz Pte Ltd.


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